Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lets do this thing....wait, what's first?

     I have researched many topics. Government, legalities, visas, work visas, housing, groceries- the list goes on. One thing no one tells you is how to get up and go. It seems like it all depends on what affairs you have to get in order. In our case...very few affairs. First we have too much stuff to take with us -
Phase 1: Get rid of stuff. I plan to go through all our stuff and categorize 4 ways - Keep, Sell, Donate & Trash. Then we will have a yard sale. Next, everything makes rounds at second-hand/exchange shops and finally it's on to Goodwill. Difficult things to unload will be my 1976 MG Midget...if anyone out there is looking to buy shoot me a comment! .....Ummm maybe that is the only difficult thing. Woot! Moving on...
     We are unsure when we will have health insurance again. (Okay I know, scary, but medical facilities are available and after one year we will be eligible for low cost health care.) Bringing about -Phase 2: Everyone gets well checks, shots and dental work.
     Next none of us have passports - Phase 3: Acquire passports. This is pretty self explanatory. Visas have to be obtained within the country- the requirements were easily found online with a quick Google search.
     Last but not least we put in all notices, acquire & relocate funds and leave. We plan to drive through Mexico with our current vehicle, two children and dog. My husband is quite concerned about this part of the plan. He says Mexico is "of concern" and "not safe"...I can only assume this means he imagines us being attacked by murdering thieves. Maybe I'm silly  to think we likely will not. Insight on a route to take or cautions other than "bring bribe money" would be much appreciated from anyone who may have made the same trip recently.
     Once we arrive safely in Belize we plan to make our way no further south than Placencia. If we find a place we simply fall in love with before we get that far then we will rent short term and decide from there wether or not to stay. We are set up to allow ourselves time to travel through and decide where to live in a leisurely manner. Once we are content we will rent long term with hopes of one day owning a home…much as we do currently. At that point I will begin to build my client list and work massaging for our income. (Scary!!) If that step goes off without blowing up in my face we are set. Set I tell you!
     After a year we can apply to become citizens and no longer have to worry about visas or work permits. We wish to live in Belize and be a part of the culture. We don't want to spend the rest of our days consuming. We don't think we are above or better than anyone who wants to consume and work and work and consume. Live and let live man, live and let live (I have always been the "dirty hippy" in the family and this would be a time I would be reminded of that by my sister or brother-in-law). I dream of living sustainably and teaching my children to do the same. I know it's far away, I know it's uncertain…and yeah, we are scared. Scared is good I think…excited and scared. I just don't want to fail. C says we won't. He says we will make it and it will be alright. It just got brighter and I can see the fog lifting.
     I want to make clear for those members of my family (or anyone else really) that may or may not think that this is a desperate attempt to escape a bad situation…. if that were the case we would all be headed up to North Pole. This was a calculated plan to consciously take back control, look at ALL options and better our lives. Better is different to everyone. Everyone has a different vision of ideal.


  1. I think it sounds like you have given this a lot of thought, time and effort. Will you consider internet in your new life so that you can keep in touch with your family?

    1. Yes of course! Internet is being looked into and can hopefully be used in public areas until we can afford it in our home. Also we will be sure to have a land line but are hearing cell phone with internet access through that carrier can be best. Internet may very well be our one "luxury". I have no intention of leaving and never speaking with family again…if worst comes to worst there is always that crazy post system.

  2. Just one correction: after one year continuously living in Belize (no more than 14 days out of the country), you can apply to be permanent residents. You must be in Belize five years to apply for citizenship. Wishing you the best of luck in your quest!

    1. Thank you- you are correct, I had forgotten. I was thinking of it in terms of privileges…one year = my husband can look for work and we don't have to go renew our visas every 30 days.
